Thursday AM Classes

Thursday AM

  • Dental Ethics in Practice, Technology,  AI Issues and Defenses | Room 311

    Dental Ethics in Practice, Technology, AI Issues and Defenses | Room 311

    Mr. Arthur Curley
    Thursday, January 30, 7:30am - 11:00am

    This course is mandated for all dentists and every hygienist in the State of Hawaii, and is based on the ADA Principle of ethics and code of professional conduct. The speaker will review on topics that include patient autonomy, beneficence, justice and veracity principles. In the era of computer, digital dentistry and AI, particularly in group practices, dentists should maintain ethical principles that are the standard of care in Hawaii.

    Course attendees will learn to:
    •Recognize the scope of current ethical issues in a dental practice.
    •Avoid or prevent clinical ethical problems in practice in the era of computers and AI.
    •Educate associates and staff on how to resolve clinical and AI ethical issues or problems if they occur.

    Price $125.00

  • Taking a Team Approach for the New Patient Experience | Room 316A

    Taking a Team Approach for the New Patient Experience | Room 316A

    Ms. Debbie Castagna
    Thursday, January 30, 8:00am - 11:30am

    New patients are precious…and so is everyone on your team. Does everyone on your team understand just how vital they are to the new patient experience? Patients look to them for care, reassurance, confidence, and skill.Debbie will dive into this important topic providing important tools and perspective allowing them to be true advocates for your patient’s great health and experience in your practice.

    Course attendees will learn to:
    •Set the tone for a great new patient experience.
    •Use verbal skills which demonstrate your advocacy for the patient.
    •Improve efficiency by learning a systematic flow for the examination, thus improving case acceptance.

    Price $125.00

  • Posture, Pain, & Productivity in Modern Dentistry | Room 314

    Posture, Pain, & Productivity in Modern Dentistry | Room 314

    Mr. Timothy Caruso
    Thursday, January 30, 8:00am - 11:30am

    Posture is a key ingredient in the dental profession. Good and bad posture can positively and negatively impact the bottom line. Over time, stress can lead to a reduction in productivity and the body's ability to heal itself. Lost work time and diminished work life are serious threats to personal and professional achievement. Tuning into proper posture can limit the amount of stress one feels during the course of the treatment day and thus contribute to the positive experience of the practitioner and the patient. Additionally, a strong, healthy worker is a productive worker and that productivity is reflected positively in the bottom line. This program presents a hands-on approach to solving the problems that dental professionals face in the workplace everyday…posture, productivity, career satisfaction and the bottom line.

    The negative impact that work-related musculoskeletal disorders can have on productivity will be discussed. Instrumentation, posture, equipment selection, operatory design, strength and flexibility will also be reviewed. This workshop is designed to provide practitioners with an introductory working knowledge of the ergonomic risks in and out of their work environment while developing more efficient work performance strategies. Developing ongoing daily awareness is a major preventative approach for avoiding the potential career ending, life-altering musculoskeletal disorder. What’s your bottom line? If you are someone who carries the weight of your clinic on your back, we need to talk! There will be an opportunity to discuss individual concerns following the presentation.

    Course attendees will learn to:
    ·Understand the science of ergonomics and its potential impact on the practice of dentistry.
    ·Review the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system for the upper quarter, lower quarter, and the spine.
    ·Discuss the impact of posture, strength, and flexibility on dental practice, the patient and the dental practitioner.
    ·Identify musculoskeletal signs and symptoms related to dental practice
    ·Identify impediments to productivity, the negative impact on quality patient care and the bottom line.
    ·Identify proper working postures, activities and techniques in order to create preventative strategies, which can counteract the ill-effects of work-related musculoskeletal disorders
    ·Identify alternative approaches for efficient, effective delivery of care and a healthier lifestyle which can assist dental professionals to practice productively without pain.

    Price $125.00

  • “Hurts so…Swell!” Management of Dental Pain and Appropriate Opioid Prescribing Practices | Room 312

    “Hurts so…Swell!” Management of Dental Pain and Appropriate Opioid Prescribing Practices | Room 312

    Dr. Tom Viola
    Thursday, January 30, 8:30am - 12:00pm

    Management of acute odontogenic pain is accomplished through a clinical approach that successfully incorporates both opioid and non-opioid analgesics. It is critical for dental clinicians to not only employ appropriate prescribing practices when utilizing opioid and non-opioid analgesics to treat pain but to also apply best practices when assessing pain control and educating patients on opioid-associated risks and opioid safety.
    This program will provide an overview of techniques for effectively assessing and managing dental pain, appropriately prescribing analgesics, educating patients on adverse effects and proper handling of opioid medications, as well as strategies for identifying managing and treating patients at risk for substance use disorder.

    Course attendees will learn to:
    ·Describe the pharmacology and mechanism of action of opioid and non-opioid analgesics.
    ·Explain the intended role of opioid and non-opioid analgesics in the management of acute dental pain, as well as situations that may preclude their use, based on a patient's underlying medical conditions.
    ·Discuss appropriate prescribing practices for opioid analgesics to utilize in everyday clinical situations.
    ·Describe techniques useful in developing individualized pain management plans as well as strategies useful in identifying managing and treating patients at risk for substance use disorder.

    Price $125.00

  • Maximizing Clinical Outcomes for your Patient Population – Providing State of this Art Care…with Sound Diagnosis, Prevention Strategies and Restorative Treatment | Room 315

    Maximizing Clinical Outcomes for your Patient Population – Providing State of this Art Care…with Sound Diagnosis, Prevention Strategies and Restorative Treatment | Room 315

    Dr. Marc Geissberger
    Thursday, January 30, 8:30am - 12:00pm

    This fast paced, informative session will introduce the participants to several new philosophies, materials and techniques in preventive and restorative dentistry designed to simply clinical practice and yield predictable clinical outcomes and problem free restorations. Various clinical tips and techniques will be introduced designed to eliminate common problems associated with routine clinical procedures. The will include: diagnosing and managing caries, periodontal disease and occlusion, creating perfect Class II restorations, mastering flawless crown and bridge impressions, enhancing esthetics in anterior direct bonding cases and proper adhesion and curing protocols. Additionally, this course will cover the latest development in all porcelains, cements, impression materials and CAD/CAM technology and elucidate their influences on the modern practice of dentistry.

    Course attendees will learn to:
    •Enhance their disease management strategies.
    •Understand the steps involved in creating the perfect Class II composite restoration.
    •Master appropriate bonding and curing protocols.
    •Predict techniques designed to capture flawless impressions the first time they are attempted.
    •Review appropriate layering techniques to enhance esthetics of anterior bonding cases.
    •Gain knowledge of modern ceramic materials and understand limitations and strengths of each type of material.
    •Develop a better understanding of the indications and contraindications of each material.
    •Improve their understanding of the plethora of modern cements and which clinical situations are indicated for their use.
    •Navigate the technological advances in CAD/CAM Dentistry and figure out which systems may be most appropriate for their practices.

    Price $125.00

Thursday PM Classes

Thursday PM

  • Dental Ethics in practice, Technology, AI Issues and Defenses | Room 311

    Dental Ethics in practice, Technology, AI Issues and Defenses | Room 311

    Mr. Arthur Curley
    Thursday, January 30, 12:00pm - 3:30pm

    This course will, mandated for all dentists, and every hygienist in the State of Hawaii, is based on the ADA Principle of ethics and code of professional conduct. The speaker will review on topics that include patient autonomy, beneficence, justice and veracity principles. In the era of computer, digital dentistry and AI, particularly in group practices, maintaining ethical principles that are the standard of care in Hawaii.

    Course attendees will learn to:
    •Recognize the scope of current ethical issues in a dental practice.
    •Avoid or prevent clinical ethical problems in practice in the era of computers and AI.
    •Educate associates and staff on how to resolve clinical and AI ethical issues or problems if they occur.

    Price $125.00

  • Successful Management of Today’s Dental Practice | Room 316A

    Successful Management of Today’s Dental Practice | Room 316A

    Ms. Debbie Castagna
    Thursday, January 30, 12:30pm - 4:00pm

    As a coach, I’ve learned most dentists are comfortable chairside but what causes some to lose sleep is due to the challenges of running a successful practice. Today’s dentist business owner must make peace with the fact that it’s also the time away from the chair that contributes to success. Overhead, staffing and hiring issues and HR management are just a few of the things requiring consistent focus. Come to this seminar for a better night’s sleep!

    Course attendees will learn:
    •The basics of creating an annual business plan.
    •To elevate team performance with proper communication.
    •To take the “drama” out of tough team situations.

    Price $125.00

  • Surviving Back & Neck Pain in Modern Dentistry: A User’s guide for the Rest of your Career! | Room 314

    Surviving Back & Neck Pain in Modern Dentistry: A User’s guide for the Rest of your Career! | Room 314

    Mr. Timothy Caruso
    Thursday, January 30, 12:30pm 4:00pm

    Is your career hazardous to your physical & mental health? Perhaps killing you slowly? Dentistry has come a long way in the last 150 years. The evolution of anesthesia, dental techniques, materials, equipment, and approaches has evolved yet daily discomfort continues to be tolerated day in and day out by many dental practitioners. Pain appears to be an accepted part of the dental profession, and it seems to be worsening. The patients are pain free but how about the dental staff?

    Is it possible for the modern day dental professional to counteract the ill-effects of their work on their bodies? Can injecting a dose of regular exercise and dynamic sitting into the operatory facilitate improved work flow with less pain? Isthere a conservative approach to consider for pain relief prior to signing up for surgery? Perhaps Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy is the answer foryou.

    Are you someonewho has a nagging pain in your neck or your back that no longer goes away? There is some numbness and tingling in your foot or your dominant hand is a bit clumsier than it used to be. Your sleep is disturbed and you wake up with a headache. Advil and Motrin no longer “take care of it”. What areyou going to do? Before going to the orthopedic/neurosurgeon for surgical intervention; before chronic becomes part of your vocabulary; before filing that disability claim, come and give this a listen!

    Course attendees will learn to:
    ·Discuss the incidence and prevalence of cervical/lumbar
    pain in the dental profession.
    ·Discuss pain generators in the cervical/lumbar regions.
    ·Discuss the unique musculoskeletal needs of the dental profession and the effects of prolonged static loading.
    ·Discuss conservative treatment options for cervical/lumbar pain.
    ·Discuss Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy(McKenzie Method) to treatment of referred/radicular back & neck pain as an alternative to or screening prior to surgical intervention.
    ·Discuss chair side preventative postures, exercises & strategies
    ·Know when to seek medical care.

    Price $125.00

  • “Waiting to Exhale?” The Rise of Cannabis, Cannabinoids and Terpenes: Medical and Dental Considerations | Room 312

    “Waiting to Exhale?” The Rise of Cannabis, Cannabinoids and Terpenes: Medical and Dental Considerations | Room 312

    Dr. Thomas Viola
    Thursday, January 30, 1:00pm - 4:30pm

    The DEA considers cannabis illegal to possess with no accepted medical use, yet, almost every state has enacted legislation aimed at legalizing or decriminalizing cannabis for medical or recreational use. Despite this rise in social and legal acceptance, public health concerns regarding the use of cannabis remain, especially among dental professionals since the major routes of administration of cannabis involve the oral cavity. This program will introduce dental professionals to the pharmacology of cannabis, including its various dosage forms, routes of administration, and adverse reactions. Special emphasis will be placed on the effects of cannabis use on oral health and dental treatment, as well as the proposed use of cannabis in dentistry for the management of patient anxiety and odontogenic pain.

    Course attendees will learn to:
    ·Discuss the history and various types of cannabis, as well as its current legal status and proposed uses in dentistry.
    ·Describe the pharmacology of cannabis, including its mechanism of action, routes of administration and available formulations.
    ·Explain the clinical considerations of cannabis use, including adverse reactions, drug interactions and contraindications.
    ·Explore the dental considerations of cannabis, including potential treatment modifications, and strategies for patient care planning.

    Price $125.00

  • Wellness – Better Health, Better Care: Promoting Physical Health for the Dental Practitioner, their Team and Patients | Room 315

    Wellness – Better Health, Better Care: Promoting Physical Health for the Dental Practitioner, their Team and Patients | Room 315

    Dr. Marc Geissberger
    Thursday, January 30, 1:00pm - 4:30pm

    Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence. Establishing a wellness program for yourself and your practice can have lasting, profound results. A healthy, fit and engaged dental team brimming with energy and enthusiasm can provide great care for their patients and act as role models for healthy behavior. This program will examine the health and wellness trends of Americans and explore possible corrective strategies designed to enhance the well-being of all. Particular emphasis will be placed on a step-by-step approach to set, modify, monitor and achieve reasonable changes to one’s current level of overall wellness and physical activity. Additionally, all participants will learn ways to promote wellness and physical health of all they encounter on a daily basis.

    Course attendees will learn to:
    •Build and retain a thriving team.
    •Assess their own personal wellness.
    •Expand their understanding of the link between systemic health and oral health.
    •Develop personal strategies to modify current behaviors towards a healthier existence.
    •Understand the key components of living well.
    •Learn how to motivate others to initiate changes designed to create wellness.
    •Develop strategies to promote systemic health by emphasizing know links to oral health.

    Price $125.00

Friday AM Classes

Friday AM

  • Better Composite Restorations | Room 316A

    Better Composite Restorations | Room 316A

    Dr. David Clark
    Friday, January 31, 8:00am - 11:30am

    Until now our composite went “in” the tooth. Now we can go “around” the tooth. Today, injection molding of composites with modern preparations, super-anatomic clear matrices, and heated multi-viscosity composite can solve so many problems without resorting to crowns. In this fast moving and entertaining lecture Dr. Clark will demonstrate the art and science of monolithic injection molded composite dentistry.

    Course attendees will learn:
    ·About the 6 keys to world class contacts 100% of the time in a Class II.
    ·How to injection mold to treat black triangles, peg laterals, fractured teeth and diastemas.
    ·How to safely warm composite, and why.
    ·About deep margin management.
    ·About ultra glossy stain proof anterior restorations.

    Price $125.00

  • Digital Impressions 101 for General Dentists - The Critical Foundation of Precision Dentistry | Room 314

    Digital Impressions 101 for General Dentists - The Critical Foundation of Precision Dentistry | Room 314

    Dr. Jonathan Ng
    Friday, January 31, 8:00am - 11:30am

    This lecture will provide a comprehensive overview of digital impression techniques and technologies relevant for the General Dentist and Specialist alike. Participants will gain an understanding of the clinical benefits, workflows, and best practices for implementing digital impressions into their practice. The goal is to equip clinicians with the knowledge and confidence to embrace digital impressions for enhanced patient care and practice efficiency. Whether novice or seasoned, from simple cases to complex full mouth applications, learn tips and tricks of the newest and latest digital impression equipment and techniques.

    Course attendees will learn to:
    ·Identify the advantages and disadvantages of digital impressions compared to traditional methods.
    ·Describe the different types of intraoral scanners and their applications in various dental procedures.
    ·Implement best practices for capturing accurate and clinically successful digital impressions and everything that stems from its use.

    Price $125.00

  • Integrating Assisted Intelligence (Ai) and Teamwork for Improved Diagnostics and Treatment Planning | Room 311

    Integrating Assisted Intelligence (Ai) and Teamwork for Improved Diagnostics and Treatment Planning | Room 311

    Ms. Sadie Stewart
    Friday, January 31, 8:00am - 11:30am

    An exciting course designed for the entire dental team eager to harness the power of Ai and digital technologies in their practice. This course explores how Ai can revolutionize dental diagnostics and treatment planning when effectively combined with collaborative team approaches. Throughout the course, participants will delve into the latest Ai tools and applications, including diagnostic imaging analysis, predictive analytics, and personalized treatment planning. Emphasis will be placed on how these technologies can enhance diagnostic accuracy, streamline treatment workflows, and improve patient outcomes. Throughout the course, participants will delve into the latest Ai tools and applications, including diagnostic imaging analysis, predictive analytics, and personalized treatment planning. Emphasis will be placed on how these technologies can enhance diagnostic accuracy, streamline treatment workflows, and improve patient outcomes.

    Course attendees will learn to:
    ·Gain a thorough understanding of how Ai enhances diagnostic accuracy and treatment planning in dentistry.
    ·Explore collaborative team dynamics to improve patient care by enhancing communication and coordination using Ai.
    ·Develop insights into the integration of AI technologies into your clinical workflows and patient care strategies.
    ·Recognize and address ethical considerations and regulatory requirements associated with Ai in dental practice.
    ·Discuss integration strategies and how to incorporate Ai tools into existing dental practices and workflows.

    Price $125.00

  • Minimally Invasive Exodontia | Room 315

    Minimally Invasive Exodontia | Room 315

    Dr. John Alonge
    Friday, January 31, 8:30am - 12:00pm

    The concept of minimally invasive exodontia is based on preserving alveolar bone. Efficient and less traumatic exodontia should be part of a predictable routine for the general dentist and specialist. This lecture will help you learn how to perform routine extractions using state of the art minimally invasive atraumatic techniques and armamentarium. This should enhance your confidence and proficiency for yourself and your dental team.

    Course attendees will learn to:
    ·Understand the differences between traditional exodontia and minimally invasive exodontia techniques.
    ·Understand the steps to perform minimally invasive exodontia.
    ·Understand the armamentarium necessary to perform minimally invasive exodontia.

    Price $125.00

  • Pain-Free Endo: Canal Location and Navigation | Room 312

    Pain-Free Endo: Canal Location and Navigation | Room 312

    Dr. Marcus Johnson
    Friday, January 31, 8:30am - 12:00pm

    This evidenced based course reviews the biology of local anesthetics necessary to predictably achieve profound anesthesia for the “hot tooth”. This presentation takes a deep dive into understanding efficient access into the pulp chamber and locating the orifice of the root canal system using anatomical landmarks in calcified canals, especially identifying MB2. A systematic method for minimally engaging the canal system is presented. A shaping protocol to navigate highly curved canals will be reviewed. Participants will learn about innovative technology; controlled-memory metallurgy and increased fracture resistance.

    Course attendees will learn:
    ·About the biological objectives of achieving profound pulpal anesthesia in the hot tooth.
    ·How to locate canals in calcified cases, find MB2 & gain patency.
    ·About thermomechanical processing and Electrical Discharge Machining for the manufacturing of rotary files and why this manufacturing is superior to milled NiTi files.
    ·How to adapt instrumentation protocols from orifice to apex with the HyFlex CM and EDM rotary files.

    Price $125.00

Friday PM Classses

Friday PM

  • The Great Tooth Killer | Room 316A

    The Great Tooth Killer | Room 316A

    Dr. David Clark
    Friday, January 31, 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm

    Currently the diagnosis and treatment of cracked and fractured teeth is largely symptom based and is therefore often a sad, end stage diagnosis. The fracturing process is one of dentistry’s last great mysteries and is poorly understood throughout the generalist and specialist dental community. In this engaging and entertaining lecture, you will learn to understand and diagnose pathologic cracks utilizing magnification and other modalities, and treat long before symptoms arise or the tooth becomes unsalvageable. Dr. Clark will teach routine identification of early cracks and teach the Clark Class II saucer shaped nonretentive preparation and Fissurotomy Class I that are a significant departure from the G.V. Black preparations that are a leading cause of cracked teeth. He will share his published approach to diagnosis based on 16X magnification, step by step predictable treatment, endodontic and periodontal implications, and when to extract.

    Course attendees will:
    ·Have confidence identifying early tooth fracturing based on high level magnification.
    ·Learn why new Class II cavity preparations and other modalities are crucial to prevent eventual tooth fracture.
    ·Receive a blueprint for diagnosis and treatment of complete and incomplete fractures.
    ·Understand the Fissurotomy, Calla Lilly and Overlay preparations for Class I restoration.

    Price $125.00

  • Digital Dentistry Revolution – Today's Top Trends Transforming Clinical Practice for the General Dentist | Room 314

    Digital Dentistry Revolution – Today's Top Trends Transforming Clinical Practice for the General Dentist | Room 314

    Dr. Jonathan Ng
    Friday, January 31, 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm

    This lecture will explore the latest advancements in digital dentistry and their impact on the general dentist's clinical practice. Attendees will gain insights into cutting-edge technologies and techniques that are revolutionizing patient care, improving accuracy, and enhancing efficiency in daily workflows. The goal is to provide a forward-looking perspective on how digital dentistry is shaping the future of the profession. From planning to delivery, see workflows, technologies like 3D printing and enhance your knowledge of the latest trends that will not only improve what you do, but transform your practice.

    Course attendees will learn to:
    ·Recognize emerging trends in digital dentistry, including artificial intelligence, 3D printing and beyond.
    ·Evaluate the potential benefits and challenges of integrating these technologies into their own practices.
    ·Develop strategies for staying informed about and adapting to the evolving landscape of digital dentistry.

    Price $125.00

  • Next-Gen Innovations for Dental Teams: Elevating Patient Care with Advanced Technologies | Room 311

    Next-Gen Innovations for Dental Teams: Elevating Patient Care with Advanced Technologies | Room 311

    Ms. Sadie Stewart
    Friday, January 31, 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm

    In this exciting lecture, we’ll journey through the most recent technological advancements that are transforming the way dental teams operate. Designed for hygienists, dental assistants, and front office team members, this session will highlight progressive tools and innovative practices that enhance patient care and streamline dental procedures. By the end of this lecture, attendees will have a comprehensive understanding of the latest technological breakthroughs in the dental field. They will leave equipped with practical knowledge and skills to incorporate these innovations into their practice, ultimately providing enhanced care and improved outcomes for their patients.

    Course attendees will learn about:
    ·Digital Imaging: Discover the latest advantages of digital imaging technologies, such as intraoral scanners, clinical photography, digital X-rays & CBCT. Participants will gain insights into how these tools enhance diagnostic accuracy, tips for reducing radiation exposure, and improve treatment plan communication with patients.
    ·Laser Dentistry in Periodontal Treatments: Understand the revolutionary role of lasers in periodontal therapy. This section will cover different types of lasers, their applications in non- surgical periodontal treatments, and the benefits of using laser technology, including increased precision, reduced discomfort, and faster healing times.
    ·Integration of Ai: Explore how assisted intelligence and automation are reshaping dental practices. This section will focus on Ai-driven diagnostic tools to enhance patient care. Learn how these technologies can optimize practice efficiency and diagnostic capabilities while personalizing patient care.

    Price $125.00

  • Practical Concepts and Applications for Office Oral Surgery | Room 315

    Practical Concepts and Applications for Office Oral Surgery | Room 315

    Dr. John Alonge
    Friday, January 31, 1:00pm - 4:30pm

    This presentation is designed to share with the general dentist practical guidelines on patient management, modern armamentarium, exodontia techniques and tips plus much more.

    Course attendees will learn useful tips on:
    ·Pertinent Medical Management Issues
    ·Anxiety and Pain Control
    ·Dentoalveolar Surgery introducing atraumatic technique concepts and armamentarium
    ·Socket preservation grafting
    ·Third Molar surgery techniques
    ·Understanding and management of Infections
    ·Biopsy Techniques
    ·Medical Emergencies

    Price $125.00

  • Cracked Teeth Update | Room 312

    Cracked Teeth Update | Room 312

    Dr. Marcus Johnson
    Friday, January 31, 1:00pm - 4:30pm

    This presentation delves into the updated nomenclature of cracked teeth, which also breaks way into thoughts on new technologies. Don’t miss this enlightening lecture, which tackles the phenomenon of cracked teeth literature, management and protocols.

    Course attendees will learn to:
    ·Define the various classifications of cracked teeth and relative prognosis.
    ·Identify the best ways to diagnose cracked teeth using clinical and imaging modalities.
    ·Evaluate the classic and contemporary literature on cracked teeth management and protocols.

    Price $125.00


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